Humanity, since the beginning of time has been fascinated by the supernatural/the great unknown and the idea of what happens to us after we die. We all have different ideas about the age-old question and most ideas come from our belief systems. Some believe that when they pass that’s it. Some believe in the science and we revive the earth, giving back to nature, some believe in heaven and hell and having the chance to be reborn again as someone else (reincarnation). I myself believe in this sure, but I also believe that depending on how tragic or fast/sudden their death was, they didn’t get the chance to find peace in other methods and are trapped in the veil between the living and the dead…Ghost if you will. You usually find these spirits go back to the place of their death and somewhere that made them truly happy in life, which then brings us to the idea of haunted houses.
Since photography has been around the fascination of seeing these spirits on camera has become somewhat of a phenomenon, as the camera can detect what sometimes the eye cannot. Of course, there are sceptics that do indeed like to debunk these photos however, here are a few that I have taken that have anomalies on them that I can’t explain logically…can you?
My finger was not over the flash. There was no reflective surface and the shutter speeds of both images where a 60th of a second and an 80th.