So, a thought popped into my head the other night, during the hours my mind is supposed to be resting. What exactly is photography? I study photography but what is photography really. Some may say that it’s just about taking pictures, but it so much more than that.
Photography is a tool to Start a conversation and if you are enthusiastic enough about the topic you photograph then others will soon listen.
It is a tool to record life and life’s experiences. It’s all about memory as the camera doesn’t exactly depict the memory it just adds colour to the image that represents such memories.
Photography is so much more complex than I originally realised and I consider the subject in two ways photography/photographer and an artist. In the simplest terms the difference between photographer and artist is intention, workload and emotional connection.
The photographer’s intention is money. however, an artist doesn’t care about the money just the subject they cover and creating connections with the subjects and networks.
If this is the case, photography to me is a form of connection, to have a conversation. Images don’t have to be one genre to allow the conversation to flow. Though over the course of the years that I have been studying photography I have realized that it’s not just a job to me, it is a recording tool that I can use to demonstrate my own passion and is a way that I connect and understand the world around me. It has allowed me to see life as a conversation and to appreciate the moments, as that is all photography is… just one moment in time.
Even though I’m reflecting on what photography is I’m still struggling to figure out what I want to use it for in the future. My current plans are (after I have graduated) to work half time and do photography half time, to carry on the project, what I started in university “I talked to a lady”.